The unexpected is usually what brings the most growth
Dreamers Workshop in Puglia
People close to me and those who have been by my side for some longer time during my journey through life know that it is always an adventurous and wild ride with unexpected twists and turns and this time, it led me to a life-changing workshop in the heart of Puglia.
Unexpectedly, I suddenly found myself on an airplane over the coast of Puglia, approaching the tiny airport of Brindisi, aiming for a shaky landing. I was thinking “How on earth did I get here? What am I doing?” It did not feel like it was my life and I felt totally out of my comfort zone.
I had literally only dreamt about going to “a place that brings wedding photographers together” in my wildest and most unrealistic dreams until 2 weeks before I booked it. Before that, I had only seen insanely talented photographers posting about going there and I did not even dare to let an imagination of this enter my brain.
And suddenly there I was, amidst almost 30 creative people, from photographers all around the world, to beautiful couple models, designers, stylists, chefs and a spiritual guide, all contributing to making this week one that would literally change my life.
And all that after I received an Instagram message from the Dreamers Workshop if I’d spontaneously like to join in 2 weeks - thank you to my boyfriend and my best friends who instantly said “GO!” and encouraged me so much.
Not only did I learn as much about photography in one week, as I learned in 3 or 7 or even more years before. I soaked in e v e r y moment, went on spiritual journeys during hypnotic dances, found my inner creative spirit animal during intense meditations, breathwork and body movement classes and completely unleashed it to go wild. During several styled shootings (I’m so naiv, I did not know that people would stage weddings and invite photographers to pay money to shoot, I just always thought it is normal that people get married on a balloon in Capadocia) I proved to myself that I am this alien person who brings the “otherness” to the moment and I totally learned to embrace and love it. The masterclasses? Like a transcriber I was glued to the presenters lips and wrote down every single word, like a sponge I soaked in the creative ways of working of these talented people and I am so grateful.
The fulfilment, trust and confidence in myself, the new perspectives I gained through the adventure, how much I broadened my horizon, the new feelings I experienced, the visions I had and the goals I set for myself are beyond words.
I believe that the universe has done its magical work to manoeuvre all paths so that this one message would find it’s way into my mailbox, to enable me to go on this unexpected journey to take a new trajectory in my life. So, if I may offer one piece of advice: grab the unexpected opportunities the universe throws your way by the tail. Life is short, and growth often lies in the paths we never planned to take.